Bill of Rights SLA

The Industry’s Only Self-Monitoring SLA

SingleHop’s Bill of Rights SLA sets the bar for service quality and transparency in the IT services industry, pairing the highest levels of availability and support with a self-monitoring platform and real-time report card. The SLA gives customers unprecedented visibility into our performance, and makes it easy to claim credits if we fall short. That’s why ReadWrite dubbed it the “Best SLA Ever.”

Key Pillars of the Bill of Rights

In its highest form, an SLA embodies the values and capabilities of an entire organization and provide a clear benchmark for employee performance and customer satisfaction. These Bill of Rights are just one component of SingleHop’s Service First Support philosophy, which includes onboarding, dedicated account teams, knowledge-sharing resources and free tools.


Comprehensive guarantees, Fine tuned through years of experience, Extension of our core values


100% network uptime, 100% power uptime, Fast deployments, faster support responses


Real-time Report Card via LEAP, Easy to understand, Easy to access


Automated monitoring, One-click process to claim credits, No jumping through hoops

The Bill of Rights SLA



Dedicated Server Deployment

The longest amount of time you will have to wait for a new, in-stock dedicated server is 3 hours. This is measured from the time your payment is processed and your order is confirmed.

Power Uptime

Our public network will be online 100% of the time, and you will be credited for every minute it is down. Based on the amount of downtime, credit will vary from 5% to 100% of your invoice.



Cloud Server Deployment

The longest amount of time you will have to wait for a new VMware-based or Hyper-V public cloud server is 5 minutes. This is measured from the time your payment is processed and your order is confirmed.



First Response to Support Ticket

The longest amount of time you will have to wait for a first response to a support ticket is 1 hour. This is measured from the minute your ticket is received by our system and a ticket number is issued.



Hardware Replacement

The longest amount of time you will have to wait for broken server hardware to be replaced is 90 minutes. This is measured from the time we complete troubleshooting the issue and determine that it is hardware related.



Ticket Update Frequency

The longest amount of time you will have to wait for an update while we are working on your ticket is 2 hours. This is measured from the last time we responded to the ticket.

Network Uptime

Network UptimeOur public network will be online 100% of the time, and you will be credited for every minute it is down. Based on the amount of downtime, credit will vary from 5% to 100% of your invoice.



Escalation to Senior Staff Time

Should your issue require escalation to senior staff, you will wait no more than 90 minutes for the escalation to happen and the senior staff member to contact you.

Let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll follow up to discuss your needs.
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